UPHCS Awarded $296,243 Michigan Health Endowment Fund Grant

Posted on November 08, 2017

MARQUETTE – Upper Peninsula Health Care Solutions, Inc. (UPHCS) has been awarded a $296,243 grant from the Michigan Health Endowment Fund to expand the evidence based advance care planning program, Make a Plan, Share Plan. The grant monies will be used to improve access and availability of integrated services for all adults through collaboration with community-based organizations and health systems across the region.

The Make a Plan, Share a Plan advance care planning model, developed in partnership with Upper Peninsula Health Plan (UPHP) and Honoring Healthcare Choices–Michigan, is centered on honoring the dynamic and individualized needs of each adult. “An individual’s ability to maintain personal control and dignity during a health crisis supports patient-centered healthcare delivery,” said UPHP Advance Care Planning Program Manager, Kate LaBeau. The opportunity to expand and integrate    care delivery that is based on an individual’s goals, values, and beliefs will lead to improved health care across the region.

Make a Plan, Share a Plan expands training and educational opportunities of certified advance care planning facilitators, and partners with senior services throughout the Upper Peninsula to provide advance care planning services. This grant will also be used to train and utilize existing clinical and healthcare staff, such as care managers and community health    workers, to create a cost effective, integrated approach to meet the healthcare needs of the region’s adult population.

Make a Plan, Share a Plan will rely on innovative and cost-effective health information technology (HIT) to enable providers, across the state of Michigan, access to advance care planning documents in a common location. In addition, Kate LaBeau will also make additional efforts toward community engagement with local media partners and organizations. Look for coming opportunities to “Share Your Storywith others.

UPHCS thanks the Michigan Health Endowment Fund who works to improve the health and wellness of Michigan residents and reduce the cost of healthcare, with a special focus on children and seniors. More information about the Health Fund can be found at www.mhealthfund.com.

Upper Peninsula Health Care Solutions, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that serves the 310,000 residents of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. We are a network of community health care providers with a shared vision of working together to improve access, reduce cost, and promote quality health care services in the communities served by our members. Visit www.uphcs.org for more information.