UPHP Update on Sunny 101.9: Marquette County Community Resource Fair

Posted on May 05, 2021
Katrina Keough, UPHCS Project Director

Upper Peninsula Health Care Solutions Project Director Katrina Keough, MPA, joined Mark and Walt in the Morning on Sunny 101.9 this month to discuss our upcoming Marquette County Community Resource Fair. Keough explained that the fair is taking place June 4, 2021, at Lakeview Arena/YMCA in Marquette from noon to 4 p.m. The fair will be held in a drive-thru “Express Style” format due to the continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Feeding America Mobile Food Truck will be onsite to provide attendees with groceries, and additionally, tote bags will be distributed containing essential items and resource handouts from local community-based organizations.