Posts Tagged ‘GL Radio’

UPHP Launches Healthy Kids, Healthy Futures Campaign
Posted on July 05, 2018

Marquette, MI – (Great Lakes Radio) – “Healthy Kids, Healthy Futures” is a joint effort between Upper Peninsula Health Plan and Upper Peninsula Health Group designed to highlight the importance of annual preventative care for kids of all ages.

UPHP Clinical Coordinator Chris Rhoades joined the Sunny Morning Show today to share some of the highlights of this initiative.

Rhoades said UPHP is teaming up with roughly 25 different primary care practices across the U.P. and promoting the campaign throughout the Upper Peninsula.

He said the overall goal is to make sure area children get the regular health care they need for a healthy future.

Rhoades said it runs through August 31st and there will be prizes for the provider practices that can get the most kids through the door as well as drawings for the kids who go in and get the care they need.

LISTEN IN – UPHP Clinical Coordinator Chris Rhoades with more about the “Healthy Kids, Healthy Futures” initiative.

This story was originally posted here by Great Lakes Radio, Inc. on July 3, 2018.

U.P. Perinatal Care Focus of Newly-Formed Collaborative Effort
Posted on April 04, 2018

Jessica Serman & Janey Joffee

Marquette, MI – (Great Lakes Radio News– The Upper Peninsula Health Plan and U.P. Health Care Solutions have partnered up to form a collaborative group addressing the health of mothers and their babies in Upper Michigan.

The Upper Peninsula Perinatal Collaborative was formed last July to make sure mothers and babies are healthy and thriving across the region.

Jessica Serman, Clinical Services Manager with the Case Management Department at UPHP, and Janey Joffee, Manager at U.P. Health Care Solutions, joined the SUNNY Morning Show with Walt & Mike today to share more information about this collaboration.

Joffee said there are a wide array of healthcare based stakeholders from across the region in the Collaborative.

Serman explained that the group is currently identifying a series of goals to improve birth outcomes for mothers and babies and to eliminate health disparities across the 15 counties in the U.P.

She added that Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome and maternal opioid use have been identified as key priority areas in the Upper Peninsula.

Joffee said the Collaborative is looking to increase health and wellness education through the compilation, distribution and maintenance of resource directories targeted at mothers and families, health care providers, and service agencies across the U.P.

LISTEN IN – Jessica Serman and Janey Joffee discuss the Upper Peninsula Perinatal Collaborative.

CLICK HERE – For more information about the Upper Peninsula Perinatal Collaborative.