Posts Tagged ‘Sunny Morning Show’

UPHP Reminding Members of Important Healthy Michigan Plan Information
Posted on February 07, 2020
Melanie Bicigo

This article was original posted here by mediaBrew Communications Feb. 4, 2020.

Marquette, MI – Upper Peninsula Health Plan is reminding their members who are in the Healthy Michigan Plan that there are some changes that must be followed.  UPHP Chief Operating Officer Melanie Bicigo joined Mark & Walt in the Morning to share the latest information.

Bicigo said, effective January 1, 2020, Michigan law is requiring some Healthy Michigan Plan beneficiaries to report 80 hours per calendar month of work or other activities to the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services in order to keep their coverage. Beneficiaries must report their work or other activities each month, and failure to report activities for three months in one year could result in loss of their health care coverage.

She added that are three ways a Healthy Michigan Plan member can report this information:

First, online. If you have a MI Bridges account, use the MI Bridges Portal by visiting If you don’t have an account yet, you can register online.

Second, by phone. You can call the HMP Work Requirements and Exemption Reporting line at 1-833-895-4355.

And third, in person. Just go right to your local MDHHS office and they can help you onsite.  Theer is also information about available resources can be found online through MI Bridges.

Bicigo said that people with questions can call Upper Peninsula Health Plan 1-800-835-2556 or stop in to our UPHP office in Marquette for help.  There are onsite Community Health Workers that can guide people to employment resources, or help report hours online or by phone.

LISTEN – UPHP Chief Operating Officer Melanie Bicigo with important Healthy Michigan Plan information.

U.P. Perinatal Care Focus of Newly-Formed Collaborative Effort
Posted on April 04, 2018

Jessica Serman & Janey Joffee

Marquette, MI – (Great Lakes Radio News– The Upper Peninsula Health Plan and U.P. Health Care Solutions have partnered up to form a collaborative group addressing the health of mothers and their babies in Upper Michigan.

The Upper Peninsula Perinatal Collaborative was formed last July to make sure mothers and babies are healthy and thriving across the region.

Jessica Serman, Clinical Services Manager with the Case Management Department at UPHP, and Janey Joffee, Manager at U.P. Health Care Solutions, joined the SUNNY Morning Show with Walt & Mike today to share more information about this collaboration.

Joffee said there are a wide array of healthcare based stakeholders from across the region in the Collaborative.

Serman explained that the group is currently identifying a series of goals to improve birth outcomes for mothers and babies and to eliminate health disparities across the 15 counties in the U.P.

She added that Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome and maternal opioid use have been identified as key priority areas in the Upper Peninsula.

Joffee said the Collaborative is looking to increase health and wellness education through the compilation, distribution and maintenance of resource directories targeted at mothers and families, health care providers, and service agencies across the U.P.

LISTEN IN – Jessica Serman and Janey Joffee discuss the Upper Peninsula Perinatal Collaborative.

CLICK HERE – For more information about the Upper Peninsula Perinatal Collaborative.