
Pregnancy is an exciting time for you and Upper Peninsula Health Plan (UPHP) is here to help you during your pregnancy. It is also a time to take extra special care of yourself to help make sure you have a healthy baby. When you find out you are pregnant, schedule a visit with your doctor. Review the information below to see what special benefits and resources UPHP has to offer you and your baby.

  • All UPHP members who are pregnant are eligible for Healthy Moms – Healthy Babies Program.
  • If you choose to opt out of the program, please call UPHP to take your name off the list.

Please let the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) and UPHP know that you are pregnant. We can help you understand your pregnancy benefits and answer any questions you may have. You can let UPHP know by filling out a form online or by calling UPHP Customer Service and asking to speak to our pregnancy nurse coordinator.

Review the Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies virtual booklet for additional information on pregnancy care and the resources available to you. 

Women who are pregnant or become pregnant can continue to receive dental services during their pregnancy.

Dental care is important. We offer dental coverage to all beneficiaries ages 19 and above enrolled in Healthy Michigan Plan, as well as all enrollees ages 21 and older, enrolled in Medicaid. We are contracted with Delta Dental to provide your dental benefits. If you have any questions about your dental services, please contact Delta Dental at 866‐558‐0280.

Please note: All members under age 21 and enrolled in Medicaid are automatically enrolled into the Healthy Kids Dental program. The two plans available are Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Delta Dental of Michigan. You will get an identification card and Member Handbook from the dental plan you are enrolled in. If you are enrolled in this program, please refer to your Healthy Kids Dental Member Handbook for information on your dental benefits. You can also call the Michigan Beneficiary Helpline at 800‐642‐3195 for help.  

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Health Insurance Plans | BCBSM Phone: 800‐936‐0935

Delta Dental of Michigan Individual Dental Plans | Delta Dental of Michigan ( Phone: 866‐696‐7441

Did you know?

  • Pregnancy hormones can increase your risk of early gum disease.

o Since you’re at an increased risk for gum disease, it’s important to continue seeing your dentist. Gum disease can lead to a preterm birth or low birth weight.

  • Morning sickness can cause tooth decay.

o When you vomit, acid wears away the protective layer on your teeth. This may cause sensitive teeth or cavities. It’s good to wait 30 minutes after vomiting to brush your teeth.

UPHP will send you a gift card just for having a dental visit during your pregnancy or within the three months after your pregnancy ends!

  • To find a dentist in your area:

o Visit‐directory/ OR

o Call the UPHP pregnancy coordinator at (906) 225‐7927 for help with setting up a visit with a dentist in your area.

Michigan Tobacco Quitline: 1-800-QUIT-NOW or 1-800-784-8669
This is a free and confidential service for UPHP members. After a simple enrollment process, you will have a personal quit coach. Pregnant women can earn rewards after every call. Call 1-800-835-2556 to learn if you could earn a gift card. Open to UPHP Medicaid and Healthy Michigan Plan (HMP) members who call the Quitline for four sessions.

Truth Initiative EX Program – FREE access to the EX Program. A personalized digital program to help whether you smoke, dip, vape, or chew tobacco. By completing the EX Program, you could earn a $100 gift card.


Additional resources:


MIHP is a home visiting program for pregnant women and/or children up to age one. Services support healthy pregnancies and babies. This care is provided in addition to a member’s prenatal and infant care. UPHP helps ensure that all pregnant women are offered these services.

Services include:

  • Visits by nurses, social workers, dieticians, mental health specialists and breastfeeding consultants as necessary
  • Preventive counseling
  • Assessments/evaluations
  • Birthing classes
  • Parenting classes

For more information, call your local health department or visit:

WIC is a special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants and children. The WIC program provides food, health care referrals, and nutrition education to low income pregnant and postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk.

For more information or to find out if you or your child qualify for WIC, please call your local health department or visit:

Postpartum depression is depression that occurs after having a baby. These feelings of sadness and anxiety can be extreme and might interfere with a woman’s ability to care for herself or her family. Depression is treatable. If you think you have depression or postpartum depression, seek treatment from your health care provider as soon as possible.

Some symptoms of postpartum depression include:

  • Crying more often than usual
  • Feelings of anger
  • Withdrawing from loved ones
  • Feeling numb or disconnected from your baby
  • Worrying that you will hurt your baby
  • Feeling guilty about not being a good mom or doubting your ability to care for your baby

If you are experiencing any symptoms:

  1. Call your doctor
  2. Call 911 for emergency services or go to the nearest emergency room
  3. Call the toll-free 24-hour hotline of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988, TTY: 711988

Babies need eight well-care visits with their primary care provider between birth to 15 months of age. Visit the Children’s Wellness page for more information on well-care and developmental screenings.

Page Last Updated: 12/16/2024